Cane Toad Bust
Beechmont Buzz

Cane Toad Bust

ON the last Wednesday night of the school holidays on January 23, Beechmont Landcare participated in the Watergum annual Cane Toad Bust at Beechmont Pioneer Reserve. Watergum is a not-for-profit environmental organisation based on the […]

Tobacco weed
Beechmont Buzz

Windabout Reserve

Windabout Reserve is a small parcel of land partially bordered by Windabout Road and Ascot Court. The reserve is dominated by privet (Ligustrum lucidum) and it is a good example of an area that has […]

Beechmont Landcare
Beechmont Buzz

What will Spring bring?

It’s that time of year when we contemplate what sort of spring we are expecting.   While the weather is cool we don’t have to worry too much about the dry conditions but once it heats […]

large Chinese Elm near Beechmont Pioneer Reserve
Beechmont Buzz

Chinese Elm

An increasingly common weed in Beechmont is the large spreading tree Chinese Elm (Celtis sinensis). Chinese Elm is a significant environmental weed in Queensland.   It likes clay soil associated with alluvial floodplains, creeks and gullies.  One […]

Back Creek
Beechmont Buzz

Back Creek

Back Creek crosses the Beechmont plateau before cascading down through Killarney Glen to join the Coomera River just outside Canungra. The adjoining photo shows Back Creek flowing through lush forest.  It  was recently taken at Akoonah Timbarra […]

Beechmont Landcare
Beechmont Buzz

Beechmont Landcare

For many years now a band of Landcare members, made up of a core of regular participants, have met on the first Monday morning of the month for a working bee.   We usually meet at […]

Abundant growth and weeds at BPR
Beechmont Buzz

Beechmont Buzz

In spring 2022, anticipating a wet summer we planted 1,000 trees and then experienced one of the driest years on record. Last spring, anticipating a dry summer we reduced our plantings and limped them through […]

Rob Newman, Paul Keefer and Christine Tod. Image supplied
Beechmont Buzz

Beechmont Landcare

On November 9th Beechmont Landcare had its Annual General Meeting.  The Management Committee comprised of Paul Keefer, – Chair, Rob Newman – Secretary and Christine Tod – Treasurer were re-elected for another year. The primary goal of […]