Climate and seasonal weather; every relationship experiences both of these.
Climate refers to the general weather conditions in a specific area over a long period.
Every relationship has a specific climate, dependant on conditions such as trust, goodwill, respect, equality, honesty, authenticity, loyalty, care, co-operation and compatibility.
These attributes determine the overarching atmosphere of the relationship.
Weather, however, refers to short term changes in the lower atmosphere on any given day.
Climate is what we expect but weather is what actually happens.
As we know, weather is not always predictable, driven by forces often outside our control.
Relationships experience all different weather patterns that sometimes catch us off guard.
Sunny, warm weather provides the perfect conditions for feeling secure, productive and safe.
Stormy seasons make our connection feel rocky, loud and precarious. Long months of drought causes us to feel like we have nothing to give the other person and they, too, have an empty tank. Bitterly cold weather snuffs out the warmth of companionship, we suffer neglect and feelings of isolation.
Climate determines what type of clothes to have in your wardrobe while weather determines what you wear each day.
Just like selecting how we dress in response to the weather, it pays to be responsive to the current conditions in your relationship. What do you need or what are you lacking in this period that will help you both weather this storm? Do you need to equip yourselves with better communication skills? More patience or more assertiveness? Be sure to keep your wardrobe fully equipped for all conditions.
You may be currently weathering a rough patch because of outside influences. Don’t bail out because the weather is not what you expected. Before making any major decision look to the overarching climate to assess the quality of your relationship.
By Linda Gray