Illinbah residents received some moral support today with the arrival of supplies and donations.
An ingenious idea by Grant and Jo Kelly to set up a flying fox across Flying Fox crossing to allowed the community to send essentials and a few luxuries across the creek.
Illinbah residents who faced terrifying bushfires in 2019, now are flooded in which is not unusual in that area but with the road washed away the situation is quite stressful (the option of waiting for the water to go recede and drive through is no longer an option).

Several businesses and community members pitched in to send some cheer across the pond. This morning Kelly Casey and Rebecca Torrens organised orders from Foodworks and Canungra Pharmacy to be brought across. Canungra Foodworks worked hard to prepare orders at short notice, preparing some orders on IOU for those who didn’t have credit cards.
Canungra Hotel’s Simon Walsh and his partner Angela Harrison brought a delivery out in the afternoon, including some donated pizzas from the Hotel. Simon said he will continue to use the courtesy bus to deliver groceries, stock and pet food to residents when needed.
The local RFS helped out with an afternoon delivery of more groceries and some fish and chips from Canungra Takeaway. Canungra Chamber of Commerce President Monique Morcus and Scenic Rim Regional Council Cr Virginia West came to offer support.
Residents are in good spirits but further rain has resulted in some residents being flooded into their homes and unable to even leave their driveway.