It’s been a busy few weeks as I settle into my role as the elected councillor for Division Three.
As with any new job, it takes time to familiarise yourself with an organisation’s systems, processes, and culture, and I’m grateful to the Council staff who have assisted with my transition into Council.
I had the honour of officially launching Council’s new exhibition, Floras of Gondwanan Heritage, on Saturday May 18. The free exhibition featuring the creativity of artist Dr Renata Buziak is open at The Centre Beaudesert until July 13, 2024.
It was a pleasure to attend the Canungra Can-nections Dinner on Thursday 23 May at the School of Arts Hall. The dinner was organised by the Canungra Chamber of Commerce and formed part of Council’s Queensland Small Business Month program. It was an enjoyable networking event for the 60 attendees. Well done to the Chamber which continues to go from strength to strength!
Community Halls
Council is inviting residents to provide feedback on what activities and programs that they would like to see offered at community halls across the Scenic Rim. Community consultation is now open online and feedback will be accepted until July 31. More information can be found at letstalk.scenicrim.qld.gov.au
Canungra Show Ambassador
I was honoured to be one of three judges for the Canungra Show Ambassador. It was great to meet the five applicants for the Junior and Senior Show Ambassador, and Rural Ambassador roles. They can all be extremely proud of themselves. The winners will be announced on Saturday June 8 at O’Reilly’s Canungra Valley Vineyard.
Ray Owen Bike Show
Thank you to John King from the Historical Motor Cycle Club of Queensland for his invitation to the Ray Owen Bike Show that was held on Sunday May 26 at the Canungra Sport and Recreation Ground. It was nice to spend some time enjoying dozens of bikes from bygone eras. As always, the Bike Show was well attended bringing hundreds of visitors to Canungra.
Eat Local Month
Eat Local Month will be held in June, with 120+ events to be held across the region. There are several signature events happening in Division Three including High Tea in the Fields at Beechmont Estate and the Longest Lunch at O’Reilly’s. I hope to see you there! Visit eatlocalmonth.com.au for details.
Contact Me
Thank you again for your support. If you need to contact me please do so via email Stephen.Mo@scenicrim.qld.gov.au.
By Stephen Moriarty, Division 3 Councillor