Listening and acting on behalf of ratepayers and the community is the basis of Dr Chris Summers’ Mayoral campaign.
Born in Broken Hill, Dr Summers left school in year 10 to take up a motor mechanic apprenticeship. After several years working as a mechanic he decided to return to school, finished year 12 and went on to University where he completed several undergraduate and post-graduate degrees.
Dr Summers worked as a Guidance Officer for over 20 years with Education Queensland and retired in 2019 from Silkstone Primary School. He has written a book on Shakespeare’s Sonnets and says the draft of that book is now with a publisher in the UK.
“This freed up time for me to consider a run for local council elections,” said Dr Summers.
“My number one priority for running is I believe that with the right leadership team at the helm of Council, listening and acting on behalf of ratepayers and the community, we can make a difference, now and for future generations to enjoy the unique benefits that come from living and working in the beautiful Scenic Rim.”
“I am running on a platform based on a vision that can be summarised as ‘Our Voice. Our Community.'” said Dr Summers.
“This encapsulates my view that as a council we need to listen to our ratepayers and deliver services that are accountable, transparent and meet community and ratepayer expectations.”
“I am a strong believer in community development that can provide much needed services for the Scenic Rim community such as public transport, roads maintenance, health and associated services that support families to grow and meet the many challenges facing them as they raise their family, work and play in the wonderful natural environment of the Scenic Rim.”
I also believe that there are many small groups of concerned ratepayers that are passionate about issues impacting the environment, job creation, business development, tourism and sustaining quality lifestyle now and for future generations. Council could be recognising and supporting these groups.
“I believe that Councillors are uniquely placed, embedded as they are in their local communities, to bring forward ideas, concerns and issues that may be impacting their local community and for which Council, under its auspices, has the power to enact positive change. However, any change must be based on evidence and weighing up the benefits and costs to the whole of the Scenic Rim region. “
“I am all for supporting businesses that can demonstrate their ability to enhance the overall welfare and environment for all Scenic Rim citizens. Development must fit in with our unique community assets and support job creation for all, young as well as older people, and sustain our beautiful environment into the future. I am passionate about supporting the tourism, primary producers, small business owners and the entertainment and arts industries here in the Scenic Rim and believe that Council is well placed to facilitate and support these industries to grow in the Scenic Rim,” he said.