Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITB Syndrome) is a common cause of lateral (outside) knee pain that mainly occurs in young athletes – most commonly runners and cyclists. It generally presents as a sharp pain on the outside of your knee and/or hip and is caused by a tight ITB rubbing against the bone at either of these locations. The ITB is a tendon that runs from the top of your pelvic bone down to your knee.
ITB symptoms include swelling, burning, warmth/redness and you may feel a click/snap/pop on the outside of your knee or hip. As the condition progresses or worsens, the pain may progress from a burning or aching to a sharp painful sensation. Symptoms usually get worse with length of exercises, exercising on uneven ground such as the camber of the road and lots of downhill training. There are many possible causes of ITB pain, including but not limited to – excessive foot pronation, Hip abductor weakness, Medial Knee arthritis or Tibial torsion.
Treatment depends on the possible cause of your pain, but can include Rest, Nsaids (Anti-inflammatories), Manual Therapy, Exercise Therapy, Postural Retraining. Your physiotherapist will be able to guide you through the treatment options that are suitable for you based on your assessment.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, the sooner you get treatment the quicker you will recover and be able to continue to participate in your chosen activity pain free!