Local backdrop for new children’s book 

Peter ‘PG’ James
Peter ‘PG’ James

THE Un-extraordinary Life of Sophie Simpleton is the story of a young, big, little person who gallivants around Tamborine Mountain in the 1970s.

She’s got a patch over her eye, warts on her hand and is bullied at school.

But she becomes extraordinary.

Canungra Law

The Un-extraordinary Life of Sophie Simpleton is a magical story created by local author, Peter ‘PG’ James, himself the victim of bullying in high school, the memory of which still brings tears to his eyes.

Peter is a familiar face in Canungra and on Tamborine Mountain, having spent five years sitting in cafes writing this and other books.

The book is aimed at children 8-12 years old, as well as mums and grandmas.

Peter said it’s full of moral lessons to guide children through their youth around love, forgiveness, sticking with people and siding with the underdog.

Sophie’s best friends are the animals, many of whom Peter watched over from his backyard as he wrote.

“Ever since I moved up the mountain six years ago I began to write about the mountain,” Peter said.

He has also written a number of adult thriller books.

“I fell in love with the nature here, it’s so rich. I love watching water flooding down the back of my yard like a river.”

The Un-extraordinary Life of Sophie Simpleton is set in the 1970s, a period dear to Peter’s heart, a simpler way of life, free of devices, he felt.

“It will provide an opportunity for the adults to talk to children about life back then,” Peter said.

“In each and every one of us there is something extraordinary. You can’t judge a book by its cover.”

He’s proud to say his first foray into children’s books got a big thumbs up from his test audience – his 12-year-old granddaughter. 

“There is a lot of stuff out there for children which really isn’t that good. It’s putting building blocks in the hearts and minds of children that there is something exceptional in them.”

A second book is due out before Christmas which features the Christmas tornado that rocked Tamborine Mountain.

People can enter online a national competition to win one of 12 signed copies of the book at www.pgjames.com.