Local firefighters recognised

Beenleigh ADA
Beenleigh ADA

Amongst the recipients of the Queensland Fire Department Australia Day Achievement Awards were Tamborine Mountain’s James Croak Auxiliary Captain of Tamborine Mountain Fire and Rescue. 

James received his award for outstanding service to the Scenic Rim Command and Tamborine Mountain community.  

Tamborine Mountain Rural Fire Brigade’s First Officer Samuel Webster received the same award for being instrumental in the development, design, and delivery of an innovative approach to transform volunteer training, fostering confident and resilient fireground leaders within the Rural Fire Service Queensland.

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About Keer Moriarty 347 Articles
A passionate supporter of small communities and local news, Keer is one of the partners behind Scenic Rim Media - the company that owns Canungra Times, Beaudesert Bulletin and Tamborine Mountain News.