“The future of swimming for Canungra is here,” says Amy Darvall, Treasurer of Canungra Social Swim Club.
As an exciting new incentive, the swim club is participating in the Starlight Foundation ‘Super Swim’ fundraiser throughout February.
The Starlight Foundation works in partnership with health professionals to bring fun, joy and laughter to sick kids in hospitals.
The Club was aiming for a total of $700, though this was reached in January before the event officially began! Donations are accepted until the end of February, so they are hopeful the total will grow.
“It’s the biggest national charity swim,” says Amy.
“All hospitals can reach out to the starlight foundation.”
“I’m a nurse, so it’s quite special to me participating in something like this. To make a difference is so many lives, especially children’s, is so special.”
The club currently has 12 swimmers participating in the fundraiser, each swimming anything from 2-35 kilometres in one month.
“I’m sure that number will grow with the return of swim club,” Amy says.
Lorelai Luna, at the time of print, is the biggest contributor to the fundraising.
Lorelai has chosen to swim a whopping 35 kilometres, which amounts to 1400 laps of the Canungra pool, almost 50 laps a day!
“We want to keep making differences with swimming for sick kids, we also do our own Swim-a-thon within the club for fundraising,” says Amy.
“We’ve got a new committee and a lot of exciting ideas coming up.”
As a part of these new opportunities, Canungra Social Swim Club has recently registered with Swimming Queensland, which will give club members the chance to compete in swimming events Australia-wide.
“It’s a massive opportunity for Canungra, we can now represent Canungra across Swimming Queensland and Swimming Australia”
“It’s an opportunity to bring back some of the older swimmers, getting Lorelai back in as a senior student and leader for the club, and for her to then start competing, it’s going to be really exciting times.”
“Watch this space.”
Anyone interested in contributing to the clubs fundraising total, or to register as a swimmer at the club, can visit their Facebook page or donate via this link: https://superswim.org.au/t/canungra-social-swim-club .