What can exercise do for Osteoporosis?

Exercise Physiologist Matthew McDonald of Atkins Health
Exercise Physiologist Matthew McDonald of Atkins Health

An Osteoporosis diagnosis can come as a shock and many people do not realise they have the condition until they are diagnosed.

The bone disease develops when bone mineral density and bone mass decreases, or when the quality or structure of bone changes. 

This can lead to a decrease in bone strength that can increase the risk of broken bones.

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Often a diagnosis occurs after a fall results in a fracture and a bone density scan confirms the condition.

Exercise Physiologist, Matthew McDonald says working with an Exercise Physiologist can help prevent the condition from worsening. 

“Exercise can improve your bone mineral density and make your bones stronger,” said Matthew.

“We’re using exercise as medicine to treat clients with Osteoporosis or any other chronic health condition they are currently going through.” 

Atkins Health has established an Osteoporosis Group which meets weekly at Live Fit Gym.

While members of the group work at different levels, they are working with one of Atkins Health’s Exercise Physiologists to get the best possible results, within the client’s ability.

Clients can be referred by their doctor or can contact Atkins Health directly.

There is a 45 minute initial consultation where the Exercise Physiologist will talk about the client, what they are going through and the goals they want to achieve.

A plan is then developed specifically to meet the client’s needs and to help achieve their goals.

This may include a home exercise program and a weekly session at the gym.

Matthew is excited about the results he has seen with Osteoporosis clients. 

“Osteoporosis is one of those conditions where you can prevent the condition from worsening over time.”

“The biggest thing for someone to achieve results is consistency of sessions and physical activity and their compliance to the program,” he says.

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A passionate supporter of small communities and local news, Keer is one of the partners behind Scenic Rim Media - the company that owns Canungra Times, Beaudesert Bulletin and Tamborine Mountain News.