Where the Canungra Show begins

Doug Bradfield with Rhys Bodey
Doug Bradfield with Rhys Bodey

THE Fat Cattle judging is where Canungra Show returns to its roots.

Held on the Monday before the Show, the competition draws in local graziers, keen not only to compare their beasts to others at the Showground, but also to enjoy a day of socialising with friends.

The day begins with the delivery of cattle to yards at the Showground, then judging by Frank Brehmer from Teys, followed by presentation of ribbons and trophies and, of course, lunch and a few drinks.

Canungra Law

Fat Cattle Steward Dan Piacun was handed down the job by local graziers – Doug Bradfield and Derek Finch several years ago.

He has taken up the challenge and the competition has remained strong.

This year it was encouraging to see families coming to enjoy the atmosphere and the catering provided by Canungra Show Society member, Linda Ashton.

All cattle entered in the Fat Cattle competition are sold at auction the following day.

About Keer Moriarty 347 Articles
A passionate supporter of small communities and local news, Keer is one of the partners behind Scenic Rim Media - the company that owns Canungra Times, Beaudesert Bulletin and Tamborine Mountain News.