Koalas on the move in breeding season

Koala on Finch Road - Photo by Tracy Newcombe
Koala on Finch Road - Photo by Tracy Newcombe

Locals and visitors to the area are urged to watch for koalas as they look for love during breeding season.

Koalas generally breed between September and February and several sightinghave been reported in the local area.

Tracy Newcombe spotted two koalas in a week, crossing Finch Road, Canungra. She waited until one had safely crossed and was resting on the footpath before taking a quick photo.

Canungra Law

Scenic Rim Regional Council’s Biodiversity and Agribusiness Portfolio Councillor Duncan McInnes said Council’s campaign aims to raise awareness of the threats posed to koalas and what residents can do to help safeguard local koala populations.

“Variable message signs will be placed in areas in the west of the region which have become blackspots for koalas being struck by vehicles and there will be roadside banners, signage on Council cars and an online campaign to encourage our community to look out for koalas on the move,” he said.

“Through community education we hope to encourage active participation in conserving and protecting this endangered species.”

Koala births usually take place between November and February, with a gestation period of 35 days.

A female koala usually gives birth to a single joey and on rare occasions may have twins. Koala joeys usually stay in the mother’s pouch for about six months. After this, they will ride on their mother’s back and remain there until they are almost one year old, at which point they can live more independently.

Seasonally, koalas are most active from July to December, when the previous year’s young are dispersing. Juvenile koalas leave their mother’s home range to find one of their own. During this time they are often seen in urban backyards.

Scenic Rim residents and visitors are encouraged to report koala sightings though a koala sighting form on Council’s website https://www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/koalas-2/koalas.

About Keer Moriarty 347 Articles
A passionate supporter of small communities and local news, Keer is one of the partners behind Scenic Rim Media - the company that owns Canungra Times, Beaudesert Bulletin and Tamborine Mountain News.