Cane Toad Bust
Beechmont Buzz

Cane Toad Bust

ON the last Wednesday night of the school holidays on January 23, Beechmont Landcare participated in the Watergum annual Cane Toad Bust at Beechmont Pioneer Reserve. Watergum is a not-for-profit environmental organisation based on the […]

Penny centre front left, with her mountain friends.
Beechmont Buzz

Celebrating Penny

A celebratory retirement lunch for Penny Bydlinski was held at the new Sapphire Bean Café at the Headmasters Cottage at Beechmont Old School.  Penny has been secretary for the BMA/BAPA for eight years and has […]

Kuweni Dias Mendis
Beechmont Buzz

River inspiration for exhibition

NINE months of hard work has come to fruition with the opening of Kuweni Dias Mendis’ exhibition at Brisbane’s Outer Space. In this Running Rivers: People of Place exhibition, Kuweni has created a temple dedicated […]

Tobacco weed
Beechmont Buzz

Windabout Reserve

Windabout Reserve is a small parcel of land partially bordered by Windabout Road and Ascot Court. The reserve is dominated by privet (Ligustrum lucidum) and it is a good example of an area that has […]

Beechmont Landcare
Beechmont Buzz

What will Spring bring?

It’s that time of year when we contemplate what sort of spring we are expecting.   While the weather is cool we don’t have to worry too much about the dry conditions but once it heats […]

Sue Bailey, Alison Johnson and Jo Hubner
Beechmont Buzz


ALISON Johnson epitomises everything the QCWA stands for. Her dedication to the community was recently recognised with a QCWA Quiet Achiever Award.  Alison has been very actively involved in the Beechmountain Branch of the QCWA […]

Beechmountain QCWA incoming and outgoing committee members
Beechmont Buzz

A changing landscape

STEPPING down as President of Beechmountain CWA, Leanne King said she had learned a lot in her two years as President. “I feel lucky to be surrounded by women who are resilient and champions of […]