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Humans of Canungra

Dan Piacun

Dan’s Canungra journey was destiny

Humans of Canungra

WHEN Dan Piacun was just a young child living on the Gold Coast his mother found him one day talking to an imaginary friend. Asked who he was chatting with he said “it’s my mate […]

Andrew Covino

Chance stop was a life changer 

Humans of Canungra

DOES fate play a role in our lives? That’s a question many ask and if you were looking for an affirmative answer one person to chat to would be Andrew Covino. More than 18 year’s […]

Simon Waslh

Simon fell in love with Canungra

Humans of Canungra

WHEN a 27 year-old Simon Walsh first came to Canungra he was on a six month mission. That mission was to find a full-time manager for the Canungra Hotel which his father, former Coffs Harbour […]

Candice Mahony

Candice Mahony

Humans of Canungra

If there was a ‘Face of Canungra’ competition, Candice Mahony would be one of the front runners. Having lived, worked and volunteered here since she was ten years old, she is one of our favourite […]

Amanda Thacker

Humans of Canungra – Amanda Thacker

Humans of Canungra

Amanda Thacker leads her life embracing all things health and wellness. Her love of healthy living has woven its way into all areas of her life; business, hobbies and even travelling.  Born and raised on […]


Peter ‘PG’ James

Local backdrop for new children’s book 

THE Un-extraordinary Life of Sophie Simpleton is the story of a young, big, little person who gallivants around Tamborine Mountain in the 1970s. She’s got a patch over her eye, warts on her hand and is […]

New owner of YV Dental, Dr Hannah Grace

Brighter smiles all round at YV Dental

FOR many people a trip to the dentist can be daunting, but the new owner of YV Dental, Dr Hannah Grace, is committed to turning it into a positive experience. After completing her Bachelor of […]

Nungra Nibbles - Eve and Brett Littlemore

Nungra Nibbbles a growing concern

CANUNGRA locals Brett and Eve Littlemore are banking that a hobby that they recently turned into a growing online and direct sales business will one day be their main source of income. They are the […]