By Cr Virginia West, Scenic Rim Regional Council
DTMR Pedestrian Safety Proposal
The Department of Transport and Main Roads has advised the community of a $4.9 million dollar safety improvement project on Beaudesert-Nerang Road, including pedestrian safety measures on Christie Street, Canungra.
Work proposed on Christie Street includes:
town entry signage at both ends of the township
raising of the pedestrian refuge outside Canungra State School to a zebra crossing
a new zebra crossing between D J Smith Park and businesses on the opposite side of the road, and
additional street lighting at each refuge to improve visibility of pedestrians at night.
Further works include a new surface treatment on the Beaudesert-Nerang Road descent into Canungra township to improve skid resistance, the installation of audio-tactile line marking and other safety improvements.
I encourage all residents to take a look at these plans, which are at Canungra Library, and to provide feedback to DTMR as requested.
While I support this project aimed at safer pedestrian movement on Christie Street, I do have concerns regarding the loss of six parking spaces and the possible congestion in the Kidston Street/Christie Street section.
Water Challenges For Our Community
The very concerning and rapid drop in water levels in the Canungra Creek over recent weeks has been a worrying situation for all residents, both rural and urban and has been changing on a daily basis. Urban Utilities, the water retailer, has applied High Level Water Restrictions now to all users both in the residential and commercial area, with a letterbox drop conducted and advise on water conservation methods on the website urbanutilities.com.au/canungra.
SEQWater have temporarily closed the standpipe at the Treatment Station on Lamington National Park Road and Urban Utilities are now providing an alternative filling station beside the off leash dog park on Coburg Road. Residents are able to fill a container up to 1000 litres.
Our community are historically very diligent water users and I encourage all of us to continue to watch everybody drop and to share our water saving tips. It is amazing how much water can be harvested by having a bucket in the shower, even with a very quick shower and rinsing dishes in a bowl in the kitchen sink rather than under a running tap.
A new destination marketing campaign has commenced to encourage visitors to continue to visit the beautiful Scenic Rim after the fires. There is so much to do and see even if the landscape is dry.
The 18 high profile electronic billboards are currently on sites across Brisbane and the Gold Coast among with video and instagram posts on social media.
Thank you Keer for your Canungra… You’re Welcome campaign to attract visitors back to our beautiful town. Don’t forget to Buy Local when choosing your Christmas gifts this year; our local retailers have so much to offer and our local economy needs your business.
I can assure tourism operators that Council and myself continue to be mindful of the ongoing impact of these fires on your businesses, so please email me with details which will inform our efforts as we continue to advocate for our community following this event.
Christmas Celebrations In D J Smith Park
This year Moriarty Park Community Sporting Association is hosting its annual Christmas carols in the centre of town on Saturday 7th December, commencing at 4pm. This event is aimed at being a community thank you to our Canungra Rural Fire Brigade members, for their tireless efforts during the September fires, and a whole-of-community Christmas celebration.
Christmas Leave
I will be taking a break over the Christmas and New Year period to spend time with my family and recharge the batteries returning on 20th January when council meetings resume again.
I do wish you all a very happy, restful and relaxing festive season with your family and friends and look forward to a productive and challenging 2020 together.
Contact Me
I am always available to talk with residents on 5540 5403 or 0407 630 052 or email virginia.w@scenicrim.qld.gov.au. I am at the Canungra Library on the second Saturday of each month from 9am to 11am, the next Saturday being 14th December.