For some people spending a year with three kids and two dogs in the confines of a caravan would be a nightmare, but for the Crook family it is the trip of a lifetime.
After a year of planning, Steve and Kym Crook with Chloe (18), Ella (15) and Cooper (13), leave in December to travel around Australia.
They will be accompanied by Jas the four year old Lhasa Apso cross and SJ the seven year old Rottweiler.
They purchased a 20 foot Royal Flair caravan specifically for the trip.

“When Kym suggested the trip, I said “If we’re doing it, we’re doing it in style”,” laughed Steve.
The couple wanted to do the trip before their children move on to the next stage of their lives, with Ella and Cooper able to continue studying online.
“Chloe has just graduated from high school and did a Diploma of Social Media and Marketing.”
“So she will be our Marketing Manager.”
They have created a ‘Crooks on the Run’ logo and Instagram page and are excited about sharing their travels with their followers.
Although Steve will leave Live Fit Gyms at the Canungra and Yarrabilba locations in good hands, he is looking forward to posting workout videos in iconic locations throughout Australia while they travel.
Kym has leased the Canungra Beauty premises to Stacey Garrett of Create the Image, but will take waxing and nail equipment with her on the trip, giving the option to offer beauty services in the caravan parks they stay in.
One of the most difficult parts of planning was packing clothing to take for a year that can be stored in a small space.
“Culling the wardrobes has been difficult, especially for the girls,” said Kym.
They are hoping by the time they leave border restrictions will have eased and they will be able to travel across to the coastline of Western Australia.
“We don’t have a set timetable, if we find a place we like we can stay for two weeks,” said Steve.
To keep up with the Crooks adventures, follow Crooks on the Run 2021 on Instagram.