I’m almost afraid to ask ‘what else could happen?’
We’ve had drought, fire, drought, flood, plague … all in the last six months or so. For me, as for many people, COVID-19 is next in a long line of disasters.
Apart from the health fears, the economic effect is already being felt throughout our town. All I can do is ask that everyone please buy local. If you do buy online, please buy online from a local shop. More than ever we need to support the businesses in our towns to make sure they are here when this is over.
Things are changing day by day. Unfortunately while the information in the April edition is current at the time of printing, what will happen by tomorrow, or the day after, is anyone’s guess. I’ve done the best I can and I am very grateful to the people who have helped to admin The Canungra Times Facebook page to enable timely information gets out throughout the day while I’m working on the printed paper.
The social isolation aspect to this makes it so much harder. Human beings are tribal. We are not meant to live isolated from each other. This is going to be hard on families who are separated, on people who live alone and those (like me) who like having a lot of social interaction.
Check on your neighbours, check on your friends. Hug your pets, smile at each other often and connect in ways that are safe – social media, phone, distance.
We will get through this together. Stay safe.