There are some people who are part of the fabric of this town.
A small handful of community members who I just can’t imagine Canungra being without.
Joyce Libke, who passed away in September, was one of these.
Joyce was known as the town historian. If Joyce didn’t know about it, it probably hadn’t happened.
Her memory was incredible and she appeared to have a never ending supply of photos and articles going back to her childhood andstories she had been told by her parents.
She was one of those people who seemed to look the same from the first day I met her to the last time I saw her.
Somehow she always reminded me of my Nan. Maybe it was the easy way she would chat about everything, maybe it was the way she wore her hair was a little similar. Joyce was very involved in the community through the CWA and the Canungra Historical Association, amongst other things. She wrote the history column for us until recently, when she became too ill to do so.
The word icon is used pretty loosely these days, but I have to say, in Joyce’s case I doubt anyone would argue when I say she was a real icon of this town.
She was a lovely lady and her passing is truly a great loss