Scenic Rim Regional Council – Comments

Cr Virginia West
Cr Virginia West

Cr Virginia West, Division 3 Councillor

Business Awards

Nominations are open for the biennial Business Excellence Awards. 

Canungra Law

I encourage all business owners to consider nominating as this is the perfect opportunity to evaluate your strategic pathway, strengths, performance. 

The awards are also a great way to receive recognition within our community and to celebrate the achievements that all businesses work so hard for. 

Nominations close on Friday 22 September and the not-to-be-missed gala awards night is Friday 10 November.

Biosecurity Plan

Community consultation via the Let’s Talk Scenic Rim portal is open until 12 September and your feedback is valued and important. 

Biosecurity is about reducing the risk of the introduction and spread of invasive species and diseases and minimising the impacts of those that are already established in Queensland. 

Biosecurity is everyone’s responsibility, and we all need to be aware of our obligations and manage the risks.

Recent AGMs

I have attended a number of Annual General Meetings recently and I thank all those community members who step up to take executive positions, and work tirelessly in volunteer roles, in organisations that help to strengthen our community.

I would like to recognise members of QCWA Wonglepong, a 101-year-old organisation which contributes so much kindness and assistance to our community and is always looking for new members. 

Wayne Reiser has stepped down as President of Canungra  Sports and Recreation Grounds after 35 years in the role. 

Special thanks to Wayne for ensuring the high standards that have been maintained since he took up this position all those years ago. 

My thanks also to all those who have worked alongside Wayne to ensure the grounds have modern infrastructure.

Thank you to our local Rural Fire Brigade, which recently held its AGM. 

I know everyone appreciates the excellent management of the recent hazard reduction burn on Mt Misery. 

Shaping SEQ
2023 Update

The Queensland Government has released its review of the SEQ Regional Plan and is now seeking community feedback. 

I urge all residents to look at the plan and comment on the infrastructure submission, given the plan advocates increased housing numbers in surrounding areas but little to no infrastructure projects to accompany this. 

We know the impact of traffic in Canungra – a large proportion being motorists from outside our area travelling to employment sites. 

Have your say and make a submission before 20 September via the website.