Flying Foxes

Flying Foxes

A big stretch for one of our Canungra Flying Foxes.  Flying Foxes are megabats in the genus Pteropus and one of the largest bats in the world.  The play an integral role in dispersing seeds […]

Janine Rockliff with Fiona Hassman from Peace of Mind Foundation and Leanne Angel.

A pink record-breaker!

MORE local people will be able to access assistance after a record breaking year for Turning Canungra Pink raised over $85,000. Ninety per cent of the funds raised have been donated to Community Cancer Care, […]

Charlie and Cooper Lawrence

Charlie and Cooper

Charlie is a lot of personality in a tiny horse body.  Cooper Lawrence, 7 years, says that Charlie, 9 years, likes chasing a ball and the family cows.  Charlie also enjoys unsupervised adventures, with a […]