Water price to increase if filling station closes

Shane Hosking from Scenic Water Services fills up at the Canungra Water Treatment Plant
Shane Hosking from Scenic Water Services fills up at the Canungra Water Treatment Plant

As flows in Canungra Creek decrease, residents are warned that the cost of water deliveries could increase significantly and waiting times extend if the tanker filling station at the Canungra Water Treatment plant is closed to commercial water carriers.

Shane Hosking of Scenic Water Services said he has approached Urban Utilities and Seqwater, asking them to keep the standpipe open to local water carriers.

“I’m worried about the effect this will have on people who are not connected to town water,” he said.

Canungra Law

“There is already a significant increase in the cost of living and an increase in the cost of water will really hurt people.”

Shane said if he has to travel further to access water, he will have to reduce the average number of deliveries he can complete from ten to seven per day, stretching out wait times for deliveries.

“I understand the situation with Canungra Creek but people in town won’t see an increase in their water pricing, only those who are on tank water.  I’m asking them to keep that standpipe open for carriers who do local deliveries.” 

Seqwater and Urban Utilities are getting close to activating Canungra’s drought response plan.

Flows in Canungra Creek are expected to fall below 7ML per day soon, which means Canungra will move into the ‘drought readiness’ phase of the plan. 

Urban Utilities spokesperson, Michelle Cull, said the tanker filling station in Canungra is currently open to all users, including off-network households and commercial carting operators.

“If water needs to be tankered into town due to drought, Urban Utilities will work closely with Seqwater to maintain direct access to the tanker filling station for local off-network households through the 25mm outlet,” she said.

“The 75mm outlet will be closed and commercial carting operators will be directed to use alternative filling stations, with the closest being in Beaudesert.”

“We urge residents who rely on tank water to consider topping up their tanks now and planning for a potential increase in delivery times from commercial carters.” 

State Member for Scenic Rim, Jon Krause said he is concerned for the large number of households who are not connected to town water and are reliant on water deliveries to top up their tanks in dry conditions.

“It’s about time that Urban Utilities and Seqwater recognised their responsibilities to the wider community and make plans for the future,” he said.

“They need to plan for  water security for Canungra township as well and the surrounding areas that are on tank water,” he said.

About Keer Moriarty 348 Articles
A passionate supporter of small communities and local news, Keer is one of the partners behind Scenic Rim Media - the company that owns Canungra Times, Beaudesert Bulletin and Tamborine Mountain News.