Canungra Women’s Cricket team

The Bushrats first Senior Womens cricket team
The Bushrats first Senior Womens cricket team

After years of male only cricket competitions, the Tamborine Mountain and Canungra Cricket Club, the Bushrats, have established their first ever women’s cricket team and entered them into the Gold Coast Senior Women’s cricket competition.

“It’s the first women’s competition on the Gold Coast, ever,” says Tracey Gamble.

The team consists mostly of either mums or wives of the men’s Bushrats’ players, ranging from 16 to 56 years of age.

  • Ray White Canungra
  • Cafe Metz

With a team of 13 players in an eight-a-side cricket competition, the players will rotate often, but it suits the team members.

“There are a couple players who are nurses, or shift workers, so it works out well, we just didn’t have the numbers for a second team,” says Bianca Della.

The women played their first game on Sunday 12 November against Runaway Bay.

In a very close game, Runaway Bay won with 236 runs and Canungra scoring an incredible 230 runs.  A valiant effort for a team with many first time players

“Seeing us on Sunday, you wouldn’t have thought that some of the ladies hadn’t met each other.  You would have thought that we had been mates forever,” says Bianca.

“Everyone was on a high last Sunday; everyone was smiling.  We should have done this a lot sooner,” says Kelly Mahony.

“Having the support of the fellas was really good too, I think they are really happy for us,” says Fran Mansfield.

“I think we have started the season off socially, but I can definitely see a bit of competitiveness in us. I think, on Sunday, we realised that we actually have a bit of a shot,” Tracey laughs.

On 21 January, the club will be holding a Gala Day at the club grounds on Tamborine Mountain. 

The team hopes that the community will come and show their support.

Any interested players for upcoming seasons should keep an eye on the Bushrat’s Facebook page.

“Next season we are looking to get more players and hopefully put in two teams,” says Bianca.

“It has been good to step out of our comfort zone, it’s a really great bunch of ladies that we’ve gone forward with,” says Tracey.

“All the men’s teams have gotten on board, their support has been incredible.”