Long serving volunteers of the Beechmont Rural Fire Brigade were recognised at the Brigade’s 54th Annual General Meeting on Saturday 16 September.
The volunteers, who collectively had served for a total of 93 years, were awarded the National Medal.
The National Medal was created by the Australian Honours and Awards Directorate to recognise long and diligent service with government and voluntary organisations.
Recipients are members who risk their lives or safety to protect or assist the community in enforcement of the law or in times of emergency or natural disaster.
This medal is not solely a long-service medal.
Beechmont Fire Warden Wayne Abbott received a Second Clasp for his National Medal, representing 39 years of diligent service.
Kim Crow received the First Clasp for her National Medal representing 27 years of diligent service.
Tony Crow received the First Clasp for his National Medal representing 27 years of diligent service.
At the Annual General Meeting the Brigade acknowledged Kim Crow and her amazing contribution as an officer of the brigade for 18 years, including four years as First Officer.
Kim has stepped down from her Second Officer’s position but continues as Chairperson and VCE as well as an active Crew leader and trainer.
Scenic Rim Councillor Virgina West and RFS South Coast Area Director Cory Bock both expressed their gratitude to all members of the brigade for the valuable efforts they, as volunteers, put in for our community.
Beechmont Rural Fire Brigade was established in 1969 and provides a valuable service to the local community.
Members of the Brigade who undergo training to assist with fires and emergencies on Beechmont and surrounding areas.
For more information about Beechmont Rural Fire Service, phone 0407 764 778 or email beechmont.rfb@rfs.qfes.qld.gov.au.