Beechmont Area Progress Association has a new name.
At a recent meeting members voted to change the Association’s name to Beech Mountain Association to reflect the current aims of the Association.
Beech Mountain Association President, Mark Ritchie said the name change had been under discussion for the last six months.
“We wanted to change the name at a meeting where there were a lot more members so that we could definitely get a vote on this that was a cross section of members,” he said.
Mark said BAPA was initially created as a progress association which concentrated on advocating for issues in the area.
More recently the organisation has been focussed on running the Old School Site at Beechmont, by running markets and providing services at the site.
Another reason for the change to Beech Mountain Association is to give greater ownership to people from both Beechmont and Lower Beechmont.
“Nothing else is changing, the ABN of BAPA, the incorporation of BAPA, the constitution of BAPA – remains. We are just literally changing the name.”