The reality of driving

Jack Bond, Anthony Schomacker, Virginia West and Grant Bond
Jack Bond, Anthony Schomacker, Virginia West and Grant Bond

The harsh realities of driving were laid out to adolescent drivers at the Young Driver Education night last month.

Key speakers Senior Constable Tony Fishburn, QFES Captain Stuart Spalding, OIC of Canungra Ambulance Station Anthony Schomacker and Norm Graham, brought to light the harsh truth of driving intoxicated, distracted, at speed, fatigued and without a seatbelt. 

Senior Constable Tony Fishburn ran through the fatal five and road rules, specifically surrounding phone use and distracted driving.

  • Ray White Canungra
  • Cafe Metz

First responders Stuart and Anthony presented images and stories of crashes and their causes.  The majority of the crashes were a result of distracted driving, speed and fatigue.

Stuart stated that he, as a father, would much prefer a call from his two girls asking to be picked up over a call from the police, informing him of their deaths.

Norm shared the story of his sons, one of which he brought to the night in an urn.  His emotional story was perhaps the pinnacle of realisation for many; reckless driving has a devastating ripple effect in communities.

“It’s very raw and hard hitting, it’s got to be to get through to the younger kids,” says Jade Finch.

Janine Rockliff and Irene White, mothers of L-platers, were grateful for the opportunity to attend the evening with their children.

“I think it’s good that kids get to hear it from someone who have been in these situations,” says Irene.

“I still tell my 19-year-old son to drive safe and call me when he gets there,” says Janine.

Teens got the chance to take the driving simulator for a spin under the guidance of Senior Constable Tony Fishburn. Tony handed the driver his phone and had them complete a task; like sending a text or checking the weather. 

“It was a great experience, it showed us the impacts of alcohol, fatigue and using your phone while driving,” says Ash Minett. 

“Using the simulator and Tony’s phone at the same time was difficult, I ended up going 100 in a 60 zone.”