Congratulations to the Men’s 2023 Matchplay Champion, Paul Codner, after defeating Tobes Uccetta in the final round.
A massive thank you to our tireless volunteers who have been very busy around the golf course.
New cart paths, 800 plants in the ground, waterways whipper snipped, new garden beds, branches cut down, and more.
Dwain’s Day
Over 80 family and friends came together to enjoy a day of golf and fun in loving memory of Dwain Sullivan.
Everyone hoping to get their name on the prestigious trophy.
Congratulations to Dylan Brechbuhl, Daryl Heap and Nick and Sue Jago on winning the day.
Chicks with Sticks
A great day was held at Boomerang Farm Golf Course to play Round 2 of Chicks with Sticks.
Boomerang came away with the win.
Canungra will be hosting the final round in October. A big thank you to CC Resorts and The Shoe Vault for kitting our ladies out with stunning shoes to match our golf outfits.
Thursday 27 July: Stableford in conjunction with 4BBB. 4BBB Winners Stu Fletcher and Peter Spears. Winner Stu Fletcher (37), Runner Up Steve Crook (35) CB.
Saturday 29 July: Stableford. Winner Mike Dormer (36); Runner Up David Staver (36) CB.
Tuesday 1 August: Stroke and Putt, Monthly Medal. Winner Leigh Parsons (67); Runner Up Sharon Faulks (69).
Thursday 3 August: Stroke and Putt Monthly Medal. Winner David White (66); Runner Up David Hayes (67).
Saturday 5 August: Stroke and Putt Monthly Medal. Winner Paul Codner (66); Runner Up Barry Broderick (67); third place – Brett Beanland (68).
Tuesday 8 August: Ladies Foursome Championships 2023. Championship Winners Pam McAllan and Trish Schmidt (152 gross); Championship Runners Up Kathy Darlington and Leigh Parsons (155 gross); Championship Nett Winners Kym Crook and Lol Hopkins (112.75 nett). Daily Foursome Winners Pam McAllan and Trish Schmidt (107); Daily Foursome Runners Up Kym Crook and Lol Hopkins (112.75) NTPs 7th/16th Kim Sami and Elaine Broadbent; 9th/18th Longest Putt Kathy Darlington and Leigh Parsons BRD to 117.75.
Saturday 12 August: Stableford. Red Tees for everyone. Winner Daryl Heap (43); Runner Up Darren Kelly (40); 3rd Place – Chris Astill (38).
Tuesday 15 August: ¾ Stableford Trophy. Winner Kim Sami (32); Runner Up Pam McAllan (31).
Thursday 17 August: Stableford. Winner Bob Flitton (39); Runner Up David Hayes (38) CB; NTPs 16th 22+ 2nd shot David White $5 Run Down to 34 (Barry Broderick).
Saturday 19 August: Two Person Ambrose. Winners Brett Beanland and Darren Kelly (65.25)CB. Runners Up Mark Allen and Andrew Major (65.25); third place Mike Dormer and Delany Waka (66).
Tuesday 22 August: Stroke and Putt Carry the Flag. Winner Lol Hopkins (67); Runner Up Pam McAllan (70); Longest Putt – Trish Schmidt.
Written by Kim Sami