The Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF) is Queensland’s largest one-off community grants program and distributes approximately $60 million each year to not-for-profit community groups.
The Canungra and District Historical Association Inc. has successfully applied for a $14974.85 grant to go towards purchasing IT equipment and software
Tamlyn Geiger, secretary of the association, is very excited about the grant and looks forward to using the new equipment.
“We will be buying a new computer, a printer and a software program called Mosaic. It’s a very expensive program that stores historical information,” she says.
With this new technology, the history association hopes to grow their data base and attract new members.
“We are always looking for people who enjoy researching and have an interest in history. We welcome all different types of people; anyone can join either as a social member or full member.”
Alongside the history association, the Canungra Bowls Club and Canungra Sports and Recreation Reserve Grounds have been lucky to secure grants of $9700 for a new mower and $31820 to repair the entrance driveway respectively.