How does a poet end up flat on his back? The culprit was probably a nocturnal digging bandicoot, causing poet B.R. (Brett) Dionysius’s deckchair to tip up at last year’s gala Calanthe Poetry Competition event. Thankfully, no poets (or bandicoots) were harmed on this occasion, and Brett went on to read with aplomb.
Local group Calanthe Poetry will present the awards for its 2024 poetry competition at a Sunday 16 June afternoon event in a beautiful Mountain garden setting.
As well as readings from Calanthe-published poets such as Brett and Jane Frank (pictured), there will be a very special segment featuring David Malouf reading from his much-loved work ‘An Imaginary Life’, together with parts of the book set to music and sung by poet/songwriter Simon Munro. Local singer Susannah Lathlean will also perform.
This is beyond special as an afternoon of enjoyment and culture, featuring one of Australia’s premier literary figures. Full details at: calanthepress.com.au/upcoming-events. Bookings essential.