Beechmountain community table and benches
Beechmont Buzz

Beechmont Community Table

A community project which arose after the Black Summer bush fires has provided a welcoming community table in the Flying Bean Cafe. In the aftermath of the fires, a group of impacted residents met over […]

Wayne Abbott and RFS South Coast Area Director Cory Bock
Beechmont Buzz

Long-serving volunteers recognised

Long serving volunteers of the Beechmont Rural Fire Brigade were recognised at the Brigade’s 54th Annual General Meeting on Saturday 16 September.  The volunteers, who collectively had served for a total of 93 years, were […]

Work on Beechmont Road in March 2022 and August 2023
Beechmont Buzz

Beechmont Road reopens

Beechmont Road has reopened after over a year of restoration works. After severe weather caused the collapse and closure of a major embankment between North Road and Brushbox Road  in late March 2022, a vast […]