Michelle Roper-Dennis is a woman with a dream – a Christmas dream.
Inspired by Christmas decorations in some of the world’s largest cities, Michelle has a vision to turn Canungra into a Christmas wonderland.
“I’d love it if people could see Canungra’s Christmas lights from space,” she laughed.
“But we are going to start slowly. This year we have been talking to Scenic Rim Regional Council and have a plan to light up some of the trees in D J Smith Park as a focal point.”
A sub-committee has been formed within the Canungra Chamber of Commerce to move the plans forward to light up Canungra.
Members of the sub-committee include Noela Lee, Trish Wilson, Michelle Livsey and Nambok Intharangsy.
“We are very excited to do something a little bit different in Canungra for Christmas this year.”
The sub-committee has been investigating how to provide the best lighting and atmosphere, attending Brisbane’s Lightscape Festival and sharing photos of lights in trees from around the world.
“We need to make sure that the lighting is safe for the trees and can be reused from year to year, as well as providing some great atmospheric results,” said Michelle.
She is hoping Canungra’s main street businesses will jump on board and decorate their shopfronts to add to the Christmas spirit.
She has offered to help anyone who needs some design ideas or information about where to get decorations from.
“We really want it to be an enjoyable experience for everyone. Our local businesses do so much for the town throughout the year; the aim is to make it as easy as possible for them.”
We are very grateful for the assistance from Scenic Rim Regional Council and from Bendigo Bank to help purchase lights and decorations.”