Give the gift of a new life

Chris Duncan
Chris Duncan

WE may like to believe that we live in the premier state and for many things we can claim to be the best.

Unfortunately when it comes to people registering to be an organ donor we languish in fourth place with only 31% of those in the Sunshine state on the donor list.

That pales when compared to South Australia with 73% and Tasmania where 48% of those eligible to donate organs have signed up.

Canungra Law

The Scenic Rim is like all districts in the country with many locals patiently waiting in a queue to receive the call that a life saving transplant is available for them. 

Amongst those who have benefited from just that call was Canungra’s Chris Duncan who six years ago, at the age of only 33, received a double transplant.

“I had battled with diabetes for many years and my health deteriorated to where I needed to travel to the Gold Coast three times a week for five hour dialysis treatment sessions,” Chris said.

“Because of my condition the doctor registered me for a simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplant and I then sat waiting for the phone call.

“It never came for a year and a half.

“It was a frustrating time, but I am so grateful that someone provided me with not just the organs, but also a new life.”

Chris said he was delighted to see the Queensland Government’s latest initiative which is prompting people to become an organ donor.

A new feature on the TMR license renewals and vehicle registration webpages is now asking motorists to register their donor status in a process that takes less than one minute.

In the first week it was launched 640 people registered. 

The government hopes that with almost four million drivers renewing licenses and paying vehicle registrations online each year, thousands more Queenslanders will access the donor link and complete their registration.

Minister for Health, Shannon Fentiman, said as a proud organ donor herself, she believed that organ donation was one of the greatest gifts you could give. 

“I have met with donor recipients and have heard first hand just how life saving and life changing it is to receive an organ,” she said.

“Around 1,800 Australians are on the organ waitlist and another 14,000 more on dialysis for kidney failure.

“They need our help, and I urge all Queenslanders to consider organ donation.”